The last week of school was a TOTAL blur. It always is, but I forget (or block out!) how FRIED the teachers are, and how DONE the students are, when we all come back for that one last week of chaos! Add to that the fact that I had to work all day Sunday (the weekend before) at the mall, two nights that week, and all day Saturday (after it was all over), and I'm COMPLETELY exhausted!'s over, we all survived, and summer is HERE! Whoo hoo! Work A LOT at the mall this week, but at least it's only ONE job (that I'm quitting in about two months...whoo hoo again!), and it's all good!
Had dinner at Kate and Bill's house in the hills around Stillwater Saturday night. It was lovely. Steak on the grill just can't be beat. Brought my (actually Family Circle's) tiramisu bundt cake for dessert. It was DEFINITELY a hit (Duane didn't want to leave the leftovers there...luckily Kate and Bill just took a few slices and sent the rest home...otherwise there WOULD have been trouble!).
Spent Sunday at the car show at the fairgrounds (I know...don't ask...Duane really wanted to go...!), and had dinner at the Italian Pie Shoppe here in FAVORITE pizza ever (pepperoni and green olive, of course!)!
Spent Monday antiquing in Cannon Falls and Rochester with Robin. We took the was NICE (actually hot and a little blowy, but you have to expect that...right?!). Found a really cool 50's toy refrigerator with WAY cool graphics inside. I'm thinking of redecorating my kitchen in vintage 50's metal toys now because of it (with all of my "expendible income" you know...ha!).
Robin found some cool vintage suitcases to use to "landscape" the living room. She has one opened on top of the entertainment center with a plant in it, and the others stacked up beside it. They are in dark reds and cream, and look really good. She also has a stack of "normal" sized suitcases stacked up beside the sofa (when the sofa arrives from Pottery Barn, that is), that will be used as sort of an "end table". It's going to look AWESOME!
Had coffee with Pat today. She's leaving for Switzerland to teach for the summer on Thursday. I'm SO going to miss having her around this summer! Who am I going to meet for coffee now??!! Luckily, she'll have e-mail access over there, so we're going to have "virtual coffee" until she gets back.
That pretty much sums up my summer so far. It usually takes a week or two to get into the "summer groove". At this point, I'm feeling a little "discombobulated". Luckily that'll pass soon, and I can settle into the summer "unroutine". Need to start walking and lifting weights again, so that I can lose a little bit of this blubber (the summer shorts aren't fitting as comfortably as they should!).
Will hopefully be better at keeping this blog up to date so that all (one!) of you can keep up on my summer! Hope all is well!
Happy summer!
1 day ago