Ugh! In the back of my mind, I KNEW this was's been coming for the last couple of years. I THOUGHT last year was going to be Judy, my media secretary's, last year, but LUCKILY, it didn't happen.. Now, UNFORTUNATELY, she's decided to take "early retirement".
I KNOW that I SHOULD be happy for her, and, eventually, I will be, but right now, all I can see is how IMPOSSIBLE my job is going to be next year. I'm already stressed out because of MY new job addition to being the media specialist (now TECHNICALLY at .5), I will also be picking up .5 Primary Years Program coordinator, and .5 technology integration specialist (yes, I KNOW, this adds up to 1.5...essentially a full-time AND A HALF, job...and it's actually worse than that...THREE people's current full-time jobs are being crammed into my ONE job next year).
Now, I also have to add "training a new media assistant" to the mix. I don't think I'm strong enough for this...I was already stressed out about MY job...breaking in someone new is going to KILL ME...I'm SURE of it!
Plus...Judy and I have an AWESOME work relationship/friendship. She knows when I'm crabby, and when to leave me alone. She knows how to get her way, and how to let me have my way. I can hand something off to her, and she does it...eventually :-).
She knows how much pizza to order for the "end of the reading program party", and how to get a blank check from the PTA to pay for it. She knows how to schedule, and carry out, the book fair.
She knows how to make the deposit on the pencil machine fund, and where to take the deposit slip when it's finished. She knows how to do the scrolling announcement web application, so that the announcements run on the school's computer screensaver.
She knows how to print out all of the student barcodes at the beginning of the school year, and how to print the list of "overdue books to be returned" at the end of the school year. She's also REALLY good at handling all of the "beginning of the year crybabies"...I SO can't deal with them...
Now, I'm spending my last FRANTIC week of school trying to help organize and carry out a retirement tea for staff and retirees (with a week to pull it off). I'm TRYING to get all of the stuff she does throughout the year added to the "procedures manual" (which I've been trying to get her to do for the last THREE years), and I'm trying to actually get stuff done with any NUMBER of past and present staff wandering through the media center to "reminisce" with her one last time...
I am TRULY happy for Judy...she got a REALLY great "early retirement" package, and it was ABSOLUTELY the right thing for her to do. I think, once she has a chance to process everything, she'll be HAPPY with her decision. Right now...not so much...
She's always been a hard worker, and was ABSOLUTELY a GOD-SEND to me when I started here nine years ago. I wouldn't have survived without her to "break me in"!
During the last nine years, Judy as been co-worker, "other mother", confidante, supporter, cheerleader...friend. I'll miss her more than she'll ever know...
...I'm SO screwed...!!!!!
Strawberry Cake Recipe
14 hours ago
I seriously about cried when I read this. I'm so sorry you're losing Judy. I know you have to be politically correct and be all happy for her... blah blah blah, but I don't! Judy, what are you thinking, leaving my Jeff alone with that Hell job?!?!?!?!?! OK. It had to be said.
You and I are definitely going to be in similar boats next year job-wise. It's going to make us stronger, right?!?!
Love you!
I love you Tena! We're going to have to form our own little support group next year, so that we are able to get through it!
Oh. This DID make me cry. I know Judy, and enjoyed working with her when I did, and the lunches I would have with her. You guys truly did have a great working relationship and it's one you will miss dearly.
I wish her all the best, too, and hope that you are able to make the best of it and get through it all....
I know you may not want to hear it, but I've heard of and know of so many people that are getting laid off, and so many others that have their jobs but are stretched to the limit due to budget cuts, etc. I hope that that the economy turns around soon so that you are NOT working 1.5 jobs plus all the other added details....
Just trying to make you feel better. Sorry to hear this news, though.
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