Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Tuesday, April 5th, 1988

Note:  This is a series of journal entries from my two years living in Himeji, Japan (1988-1990).  I'm archiving them electronically through my blog.  Last names have been deleted and replaced with first initial only.  For details on this series of blog entries, see this post

Today I called Masano, and was disappointed when she said "Maybe we could get together this weekend".  I hung up discouraged, but was relieved 5 minutes later when she called back and invited me over for the day. (I had woken her up and she was delirious).  Nao picked me up at noon, and I went over for lunch.  Masano's friend Masami M. came over.  She lives near Osaka now, and was someone I met when I was in Japan before.

 We sat around and talked, I sang for everyone, we watched "Mannequin", and looked through my theatrical album for the rest of the afternoon.

For dinner they took me to a restaurant near their home to eat Japanese pizza and to grill at our table.

After a wonderful meal, we went to a coffee shop next door to N's for after dinner coffee (except none of us had coffee- tea, cocoa, tomato juice, and strawberry juice, but no coffee).

We went back to the house and played video games until I returned home. (I did terrible).

At a flower shop during the afternoon I picked up some flowers to buy and Nao started laughing hysterically...I asked what was wrong and after a few minutes she calmed down enough to say that the flowers I picked were arranged for vases on Buddha's alter (in homes).  I put them back and got another bunch. (Nao proceeded to tell everyone back at the house and people at the N's restaurant- who all fond it equally funny).

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