This is a series of journal entries from my two years living in Himeji,
Japan (1988-1990). I'm archiving them electronically through my blog.
Last names have been deleted and replaced with first initial only. For
details on this series of blog entries, see this post.
Well, I'm not doing very well, am I? Since my last entry, I don't even remember everything that's happened.
Yoko, Kim & I had lunch a couple of times, I've gone shopping (of course) a couple of times, and went to Osaka to see Nobu & Carol's friend Jinnouchi Taizo, an up and coming rock singer, perform at a club there. He used to be Ryan's tutor, and has a very good voice.
I have received a letter from the post office saying that a package sent by Dianne was damaged. I went and sat in the post office for 45 minutes, trying to figure out what the postal workers were saying, and waiting for them to figure out what to do.
It turned out that the package was a framed needlework. The needlework was fine, but the frame busted. It's of 2 blue fans. I have it hanging on my wall, and it looks great!
I also received a package from mom, with my peanut butter, magazines, flannel robe, cocoa, t-shirts, etc. in it, and a package with medicine.
I've survived my first writing, and administering, and contemplation of checking midterms. As of this moment, I haven't actually checked them yet... :-(. It's very strange to be on the other side of the exam, and to see the nervous faces, instead of being a nervous face!
I sang at International Church for the first time. I sang "Stephen's Song" and was really nervous, because it was the first time in 6 months that people would really understand what I was saying. It went well, though, and I made my first professional contact. The members of a group called The Covenant Players, touring Japan, based in California, were in the congregation, taking a breather from their tour, and heard me sing.
One of the members came up afterwards and said that I made her cry. She said the Covenant Players were always interested in quality performers, and gave me a business card. C.P. has about 40 troupes that tour worldwide, so I'm definitely going to check it out! Wow!
I've been watching a lot of the Olympics. Lots of doping (notably Ben Johnson of Canada). Matt Biondi and Janet Evans have been winning the gold for the U.S. and Florence Joyner & her sister-in-law, as well as Carl Lewis in track events.
I'm not sure why I'm so interested in the Olympics (for the 1st time). Maybe it's the thrill in the winners faces, or on seeing non-Japanese people on t.v., or maybe the bits & pieces of English are enticing me!
My doctor said I don't have to go back, about my ear, if I have no further problems.
I called Kyl last night, and he may go to the JALT conference next I may get to see him!!
Akira M. came over for tacos the other night. It was his fist time to eat tacos. I think he liked them...he ate 5! He looked through my pictures, and we watched part of a movie. He also sat in on my lesson with Kayo. Kayo gave me 2 beautiful blue bowls with ginko and maple leaves on them.
M-san and I are going to get together once a week. Next week it's at his house, and his girlfriend Hiroko is cooking. He says she's not a good cook...we'll see.
I walked all the way to Megumi class last Friday, only to find that no one bothered to tell me class was cancelled...oh well, it was only 3 miles there & 3 back. Nobody also bothered to tell me that I was in charge of fellowship at English church in Himeji on the Sunday I didn't go (same Sunday I sang at Kobe International Church) grrrrr...
Well, as this is the last page to write on, I'll close EDITION 1 and try to continue on an every day basis in VOLUME TWO...
to be continued...
1 day ago
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