This is a series of journal entries from my two years living in Himeji,
Japan (1988-1990). I'm archiving them electronically through my blog.
Last names have been deleted and replaced with first initial only. For
details on this series of blog entries, see this post.
Tuesday was the busiest I've been yet! I taught my 3 classes, had my Japanese lesson, then left school to teach my 1st class in Mizoguchi...6 elementary school children- 4 boys and 2 girls.
They were typically hyperactive, and obnoxious, but if I realize that going in, maybe I'll be okay. After all, they have school all day, so it should be fun, or their interest won't be kept. We learned the days of the week, and sang the theme from "Happy Days" using the days of the week. For some reason Saturday was hysterical to them.
After the kodomos was my adult class...of 2 people. One is a Kenmei student, the other is a working man. Their English is pretty good. We discussed "Shopping Street" from a book called "Explain Yourself. It should be fun.
I've caught a cold so I had a sore throat Tues., and all the other nasty symptoms yesterday and today.
Wednesday I came in & lazed around until chapel, then did the same then.
At lunch I ran to the post office to pay my furikae and bought stuff for tacos at Ginbiru.
I met Satoko on the train. She is an office worker for Hinomoto, and always says "hello" and smiles. She's very nice, so it was nice to finally meet her.
I picked up my prints from the weekend festivities in Rokko, then went home to start dinner.
Akira and Hiroko came, and I fixed tacos. It was a fun evening. We talked about Bush's being elected that day (GAG!). We also talked about the emperor and how they felt about him.
Today, I rode in with Kim. My E.C. I class went well. Now I'm vegging in my office.
Oh, yesterday I was embarrassed. I got a call telling me that I was supposed to be at a meeting. I ran down, walked in, and everyone started laughing. Haruko sensei thought she called Karl (not that we even sound anything alike).
A lady came to see me about teaching once a month at a kodomo school near here. Offers keep coming in, but I need to start refusing them. The money is good, but so is free time!
Mike has a lecture series starting in January, once a month. He may give it to me. It pays 9,000 yen per hour, for 3 hours, 1 day a month...not bad!
At this point, I want to quit my Friday night class at Megumi. I doesn't pay, but I enjoy the people, so I'm not sure what I want to do.
1 day ago
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