So...we're still in "critical but stable" mode today. I actually saw THREE doctors in the space of an hour in dad's room...which is more than I've seen ANY doctor at ALL during all of the time that I've been there (Dr. Koslo actually asked who I was, and when I said "the son", said that he hadn't seen me here before (even though he had), and then he backtracked, stating that he was only there for a few minutes each day, and that he was SURE I had been there, and didn't mean to imply that I hadn't been around...apparently, some people get a little TOUCHY about it being assumed that they haven't been there...whatever...). still has a fever. His heart rate was slightly elevated, but his "numbers", respiratorily speaking, are "better", but they still aren't sure if/when they are going to take out the intibation tube and do a tracheostomy...they are hoping to determine this on Monday.
They took out the neck line and another line that Dr. Koslo determined "excessive", and are content to just have the "pic" line in (pick? pik? I have no idea...), so he's hooked up to a few less bags right now.
They are going to do a TEE on Monday (some form of echo cardiogram) to look at the back of his heart. One theory is that he has a heart valve infection, and a blood clot broke loose last Tuesday and blocked his already clogged aorta.
If that's the case, they'll increase his antiobiotics, and hope that that brings the fever down a bit, so they can move forward.
They are still VERY concerned about his lungs. He should be breathing easier by this point, but isn't. They keep asking if he's a smoker, and we're wondering if his past smoking has permanently damaged his lungs.
His kidney doctor "signed off" today, so they are no longer concerned with them, and dialysis isn't, apparently, in his future.
Dr. Koslo said that this is the first time in his career that the kidneys have been fine, but there's been a problem with the lungs. Usually, in this type of situation, the kidneys are damaged, but the lungs are fine. I said that if ANYONE could "buck the trend", it would be dad.
So...Dr. Koslo said that if they can take care of the lung issues (which are still critical), there's only a 5-10% chance of a bad outcome (as far as walking, and being "normal" again), which means, if we can get past the lung issues, that he has a 90-95% chance of being completely healed.
They are reducing the amount of sedatives in his IV drip, and he's been moving around a little more today. I DID actually see ONE of his eyes open for a few seconds this afternoon (I haven't seen his eyes open AT ALL since I got here on Thursday). He's also been shifting around in bed, and bending his legs periodically.
Not sure what happens from here, but it APPEARS that we MIGHT be moving forward. The lungs/breathing are still a HUGE hurdle, but we're hoping that all of the "sedated rest" he's been getting has helped him to be stronger, and that things are getting better.
We won't know anything FOR SURE until they do the TEE on Monday, but consider "holding his own" and not backsliding a GOOD thing!
1 day ago
I haven't commented here or on FB yet, but I have been checking in, along with keeping your dad in my prayers!!!! Jill Fox
Thanks Jill!
How ARE you??!!
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