This is a series of journal entries from my two years living in Himeji,
Japan (1988-1990). I'm archiving them electronically through my blog.
Last names have been deleted and replaced with first initial only. For
details on this series of blog entries, see this post.
Sunday night we practiced "Praise Ye The Lord" which we're doing with choir as backup at my concert on the 18th. It was hard, because we practiced with a tape & did a little choreography, both of which people in the group aren't used to doing.
Monday I got up & around (eventually), and that's about it. Nothing's sticking out as being particularly interesting or memorable. Robin called, and we had a nice chat.
Tuesday was my last Tuesday class. I met Allison at Nozato eki. She's my replacement. She was very nice. Her British accent was great! My last class had a party for me. Mitsuko made a cake, they brought me 15 peach roses, Machiko gave me two big friendship balls & made pudding. It was nice!
Wednesday night I went to Akira & Hiroko's. Hiroko's friend who teaches at a nearby junior high was there. She's also from Britain, Liz. It was the first time Akira had ever spoken to a British person.
Thursday I walked out to American Dream, but Resa was sick, so I came back home. In the p.m. I wrote a newsletter letter for First Baptist, and filled out an application & personality report for Kyoto International School.
Today I mailed my application, and went to American Dream from 1:30 - 6. I typed out a form letter if inquiry on Mike's computer, then went back & retyped various addresses & things in the letters. It was fun. The Japanese owner is so nice. She keeps inviting me back. I also got to look at the J.C. Penney Spring catalog, and some decorating magazines/catalogs.
Tonight I watched videos.
1 day ago
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