So...I haven't felt much like blogging the months...because, honestly, 2020 has been one big old DUMPSTER FIRE...
Don't get me wrong...there have been some nice moments...a trip to Iowa to see mom in June...a trip to Chicago to see my sister and her family in July...another trip to Iowa to see mom over Labor Day...lots of walks around the neighborhood...time to clean, organize, garden on my deck, etc., but COVID-19 has really done a number on friendships, and happy hours, and school, and shopping, and simply feeling safe going out and doing anything.
As grateful as I am to have had Duane to share Easter, and Thanksgiving, and Christmas...and weekdays...and weekends...and evenings...and lunches...and dinners...and everything in between (and I'm EXTREMELY grateful...I can't imagine having gone through all of this alone), I miss seeing extended family, and visiting friends in other places, and TRAVELING!!
I'm TIRED of "pivoting" from regular school, to distance learning, to hybrid learning, back to distance learning, and now facing the possibility of going back to "full on" classes of students while still not having been vaccinated to be protected from the virus. I'm TIRED of being vilified by the public for not wanting to be in school with large groups of students because I want to stay healthy and...alive.
I'm TIRED of masks, and face shields, and of my glasses fogging up every time I take a breath. I'm TIRED of Google Meets and Zooming and FaceTime "get togethers". I'm TIRED of stupid people who don't take COVID seriously, and stretch out the timeline for having to wear masks and face shields. I'm TIRED of mask wearing being a "political issue". I'm TIRED of 2020.
No "new year's resolutions" this year...just a wish for health, and an end to this WRETCHED pandemic. I miss "normal", and IF I NEVER HEAR THE TERMS "NEW NORMAL", "SOCIAL DISTANCING", OR "UNPRECEDENTED TIMES" AGAIN, ALL WILL BE WELL IN MY WORLD!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR, and here's hoping YOU are healthy, happy, and safe during all of this CRAZY!
BRING ON 2021!!!