Thursday, May 8, 2008

Not a Good Week to Be Robin or Dave's Cat!!

I don't know WHY I'm writing about cats again, but this week has been so extraordinarily BAD to be Robin, Dave, Emilie, and Abigail's cat, that I just had to write a quick note to say WHY...!!!

Tuesday, while Robin was taking the girls to school, Tigger (Abigail's cat), decided to explore the stovetop...UNFORTUNATELY, Robin had just used it, and Tigger burnt his front paw rather blisters, but he's CERTAINLY hobbling around like it hurts A LOT today!

LAST NIGHT, I went over so that we could all go to a FABULOUS tex mex place called Laredo's (at Xerxes and highway MUST have the jalapeno wrapped DIE for!). After we got back, we were sitting around, and Dave decided it would be fun to scare Trixie (Emilie's cat), while she was lying in the window in the sun room.

UNFORTUNATELY, the screen wasn't very secure, and, as Dave lunged at Trixie, the screen popped out of the window, and Trixie went FLYING out after it! Even more unfortunate was the fact that the sun room sits on top of the garage stalls, and the drop out the window is about NINE FEET to the driveway below!

We all GASPED as Trixie, legs flailing, flew up and out into the abyss. Emile was on the sofa reading, and burst into HYSTERICAL tears as we watched her pet plunge out the window. Dave watched the plunge, and said that she had landed on her feet (a good thing).

As he ran out to get her (and the screen), and Emilie continued to sob, and Robin tried to comfort her, and I stood there with my hands over my mouth trying not to burst into tears, Trixie was calmly walking up the back stairs to meet Dave.

Tigger is limping, and Trixie seems perfectly fine, but if I were one of their cats, I'd be trying to find another place to live!!!

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