Sunday, December 9, 2012

Snow is GREAT...

...when you don't actually have to go out and drive in it!  I don't know WHAT happened to me...I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE snow.  I would wait for it, and wait for it, and ALWAYS be disappointed that more didn't fall with each snowstorm. 

We built snowmen, made snow angels, licked holiday suckers and packed them with snow to make our own version of "shaved ice", walked down Maple Street to the golf course and sledded for HOURS between the 6th and 7th holes, walked down the frozen creek beside the golf course (way fun...except for the year that my neighbor Brian fell THROUGH the ice, and had to be pulled back to our houses on the toboggan to thaw!), and, if the snow was just right (with some meltage on top that refroze) would cut plate sized circles from the top of the snow, pile them up, and play clumsy waiter!
Somewhere along the way though, I grew up, and had to trudge across campus in it during college, and clean it off my car, and shovel it off sidewalks, and slip and slide in it on my way to work (and back), and try to see over it at intersections to pull into traffic (since it piles up so much throughout the TEN months of winter here in Minnesota).  It's gotten to the point where I can't stand it anymore!
That being said, today has been LOVELY!  I recaptured a quick moment of that long ago love. Duane and I took a walk in a beautiful snowfall, and everything is covered in a beautiful blanket of white.  It hasn't been sanded, and scraped, and piled up into big ugly mountains that won't thaw until MAY, and the blizzard force winds that are forecast for later this evening haven't yet started to blow.
Here's hoping YOU were able to recapture some magic from your past recently too...if even for a few moments!!!!

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