Monday, February 25, 2013

Amazing Grace

My uncle Charles passed away this past weekend. He was a really good guy. I have thirty years of memories of time spent with him and my Aunt Doris, and cousins Kim and John, and then Kim's daughter Ashley, at Sun Valley Lake in Southwestern Iowa. Every Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day weekend (with a few "skips" because of moving to Japan, or other commitments) was spent at the lake...sometimes just "us", and other times with additional family and lots of friends.

I credit him COMPLETELY with my love of riding around in the front of a speedboat...the wind whipping my face...the spray of the water occasionally drenching me...and the absolute feeling of freedom as we sped around and around and around that AWESOME lake!

I've been asked to sing at the visitation. I swore that I'd never sing again after the "breakdown" I had ATTEMPTING to sing at my Grandma Reynolds funeral. But...he specifically asked me to sing, and he specifically chose this song, so I've recorded it on a site called "The Karaoke Channel Online".

Here's the finished product... 

Here's hoping you have loved ones to hug, memories to cherish, and amazing people in your life too!!!!

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