Friday, January 8, 2010



As ALWAYS, I've made several resolutions, that, so far, I've been able to keep up with.  They are the usual resolutions, of which you could probably go back to EVERY post on this blog in early January and read, and include "more exercise", "less food", "less wine", etc.

I'm happy to say that I've lost FIVE whole pounds since January 1st, and I think, due to everything that's happened with dad during the last two months, I may actually stick with it longer than a couple of weeks.

I had my cholesterol checked a few weeks back, and my TOTAL cholesterol is 297 (the "top" acceptable score is 199).  My triglycerides are good...which is good, but I definitely need to work on it.

Exercise is tricky right now, due to the sub-zero temperatures, and my aversion to treadmills.  I'm hoping the roads clear up enough with the coming thaw to make them "walkable"...but we'll see.  The "diet" is what I'm focusing on at this point.

I have a photo that I pull out when I need to get motivated to continue the's not very recent (graduation party after getting my master's degree in 2000), and I can't believe I'm actually going to post it here, but it's VERY motivational. 

Perhaps if I keep coming back and looking at this post, I'll stick with it, and do what I need to do to get this 20 pounds of excess BLUBBER off...


I actually have another motivational picture that might be nicer to look at....the motorcycle jacket I bought last week at Wilson's Leather.  It's a medium, and I can JUST wear it now, but, AFTER I get to my goal weight, it'll look SMASHING! It currently resides on my bedroom door, so that I have to pass it several times a day as a reminder.

...and...if all else fails...there are any NUMBER of photos of the perfect "after" that can be aspired to...

I WISH!!!!'s hoping YOU are sticking with your resolutions, and working to make YOU a better YOU!!!

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