Thursday, June 21, 2018

Monday, May 16th, 1988

Note:  This is a series of journal entries from my two years living in Himeji, Japan (1988-1990).  I'm archiving them electronically through my blog.  Last names have been deleted and replaced with first initial only.  For details on this series of blog entries, see this post.

Nothing happened today, and I've had these awful "God why am I not famous and on Broadway yet" feelings, due to the fabulous show yesterday.  I always get this way after a good show, and I just feel so miserable and like such a failure.  I really want to be famous, and I really want to work on Broadway, or in movies, or make records, or model...and here I am in Japan.

Maybe I'm escaping from that drive for fame by coming here.  I keep saying I'll try when I go back, but that gives me two more years to stall.  God please give me my dream!

Went to K's to help clean 2nd floor- big whoop.

I'll get over this feeling in a week or so, but that desire will haunt me till I die!

Even Steph is absorbed in theater this summer on the showboat.  Maybe another reason for the advantage of our being together is mutual interest and support in the striving for this goal?!  I certainly hope so!!

mom and dad in Missouri to see Steph in a show on the riverboat

family friends Bud and Virginia came too!

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