Thursday, January 21, 2016

Cherry Dumplings- Recipe Box #21

I found this recipe box at Thora Mae's Antiques in Canon Falls, Minnesota.  It's pretty utilitarian, and, I didn't realize, not very full of recipes.  Here's the box:

According to the card, this recipe is "Swell":

Here's the recipe:

Cherry Dumplings

1 can cherries add
1 cup sugar with
1 tsp. flour added.

Cook until thickens.

Sift together
2 c. flour
4 level tsp. bk. powder
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. sugar

Blend 4 tbsp. shortening, butter, or Crisco.  Add enough milk and stir until mixture leaves the sides of the bowl.  Keep dough as soft as can be handled.  Form into one large doughnut siz of pan fruit is cooking in.  Drop inot hot fruit mixtgure and cook 20 minuts without lifting lid of pan.

Good luck!

B.L.G.  (No idea who B.L.G. is, but that's how the recipe concludes.


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