Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sunday, October 15th, 1989

Note:  This is a series of journal entries from my two years living in Himeji, Japan (1988-1990).  I'm archiving them electronically through my blog.  Last names have been deleted and replaced with first initial only.  For details on this series of blog entries, see this post.

Wednesday I went in late, went to chapel, then to a faculty mtng.  I went to the grocery store and bought groceries.  I was supposed to go to Matsuo's for dinner, but cancelled.  I came home and made chicken & dumplings for Saturday and as I was getting ready to watch the news, my doorbell rang.  The outside lights weren't on, so I almost didn't answer the door.  I decided to, and when I opened it, there stood Mitsuko with a plant.  I was surprised, to say the least, since she lives 1 1/2 hours away, by train.  She came in and obviously was upset.  We talked, watched a movie, and through the course of the evening I found out that she was upset about upcoming surgery, at the hospital her mother was in before she died, and a bunch of past hurts, etc.  We prayed & I lectured, and we spent time together.  She spent the night, and we had a nice time getting to know each other better.

Thursday she came to school with me.  She came to my class and helped.  We ate lunch in the cafeteria.  In the afternoon she helped translate part of my English Drama text.  We left together and went shopping in Himeji.  She came back to my place and we ordered pizza, watched t.v., talked, then she left at 8:45.  I spent the rest of the evening watching "Cheers".  I went to bed at 11:00.  At 11:45 the door bell rang.  It was Elaine.  She had had a bad evening at Royal Host with some Aeon friends, so she stayed until 1:00 talking.  I prayed to be more giving and less selfish, and God really answered that one.  My big problem has been remaining unselfish, because my biggest desire now is for time alone...won't get that for awhile.

Friday I went in at 11:00, taught my Drama class.  The Japanese translation didn't help much!  They were still clueless.  We also did conversational dramas.  That went pretty well!

I left at 4:15, taught my forest people class at 7, then caught a train from Kakogawa (Norihiko took me after class since he lives there).  Elaine was on the train, so we talked until Sannomiya, then went on to Mukonoso.  Elaine came to do a healing prayer for Mitsuko with Kimberly & I, but Kimberly was tired and I don't know what my beliefs about healing prayer are, so we didn't do it.  Elaine was a little upset but thinks the event was to help her learn patience.

We got up Saturday & Mitsuko & I went sailing with Y-san & two friends in Osaka Bay.  It was fun, but Mitsuko felt sick most of the time (especially when we got caught in the storm!).

After sailing (I got a nice sunburn) we came back to Himeji to get ready for my dinner party.  It started at 6:30 & we got home at 6:20...

It was fun though, through the course of the evening 10 people came:  Kimberly, Mitsuko, Elaine (and 3 friends of hers), Mike, Sue W., Dan, Sheila, me.  Last people left at 11:45.  K & M spent the night.

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