Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Thursday, December 28th, 1989

Note:  This is a series of journal entries from my two years living in Himeji, Japan (1988-1990).  I'm archiving them electronically through my blog.  Last names have been deleted and replaced with first initial only.  For details on this series of blog entries, see this post.

Last Wednesday was a faculty mtng. and that's all I remember about that day.

Thursday I had E.C. I then puttered around until after school when we had our E.S.S. video party.  There were only 3 people there, but it was fun.  We watched "Ruthless People".  I gave out little presents, we had snacks, etc.

Friday I didn't go to school.  At 1:00 I went to the shiminkaikan for Christmas pageant rehearsal.  My rehearsal sheet said we all had to be there at 1, but of course, I got there, sat for 25 minutes, then was told that I didn't have to be there till 6, "but as long as I was there, could I help direct...".  So, I spent the next 4 hours giving pointers that were ignored or overruled anyway.  Ah, Hinomoto efficiency.  During that time I ran errands, so it wasn't a total waste of a day.

At 6:30 Joyful Noise practiced for about 20 minutes, then I went home and caught up on videos I hadn't gotten to watch.

Saturday I went to the shiminkaikan at 10:00.  We ran through the whole show, then the band part, then did the pageant.  It went well.  They used the yochien students to do things with distance i.e. Mary & Joseph going to Bethlehem, etc.  The show was really cute.

Mitsuko & Kimberly came as did Becky I., and Hiroko and Akira.  We went for coffee at intermission, and missed part of the Christmas story, but saw most if it.  One of the 3 children who played a "wise man in the distance" finally walked across stage slowly during the scene, however, he went too slowly & the "3rd wise man in the distance" almost passed him.  It was cute.  During rehearsal he walked too fast...guess he overcompensated.

After the show and an ordeal of trying to find Ryan, Nobu took us to Aoyama Sunshine Hotel for dinner.  We had disgusting appetizers, and fabulous steak.  It was grilled right at the bar in front of us and was tender, juicy, and fabulous.  We met the owner of the place...a friend of Nobus!

 We stayed there for longer than Mitsuko, Kimberly, or I wanted to, then Nobu dropped me off.

Sunday I got up early & went to Kobe to lead morning worship, then went to Tsukashin to shop, then met Mitsuko, got a haircut, went to G's to practice a French horn duet w/Paula (what a joke!), went to dinner with Mitsuko, met Mika, & we went to the Christmas eve service.  It was really nice!  We had it by candlelight, had scripture in German, Japanese & English & sang lots of songs.

After the service we went to an open house at the G's, then Mitsuko, Mika & I came back to Himeji.

I opened my presents from mom & dad & Robin.  I got a travel book, a Brueggers t-shirt, a sweater, a Himeji Castle print, Balderdash, and various things.  Mom sent my stocking filled with food.  It was cute.  Mom & dad & Robin called.

Monday mom & dad & Robin & grandma & grandpa & Doris & Charles called.  After I talked to them, Mitsuko & I went downtown & I bought a camera.

We went to Himeji Station to meet Kimberly, then we went to B's for a Christmas party.  It was really fun.  We had turkey on the grill, corn bread stuffing, and all the other wonderful holiday foods.

We played Balderdash, sang carols, prayed, told what we were thankful for in the past year, exchanged white elephants, watched "White Christmas", talked, and had a fabulous time.

It started at 1 & ended at 11.  Marissa stayed over at Kimberly's the night before & came to the party.  Also there were Mitsuko, me, Mark & Hatsuyo, Akira & Hiroko, Dan & Sheila, Kimberly, Luke, Nathan & Autumn, and Sue.

After the party Kimberly & Mitsuko came over.  We exchanged presents.  Kimberly got me a coffee cup and a sweatshirt from J. Crewe.  Mitsuko gave me some sheep stuff, and a sweater that she knit for me.  I gave them stationary & sweaters (that haven't come yet).

Then we went to bed.

Tuesday we got up, Kimberly left, then Mitsuko & I went to Maria Byooin.  We got there at 10:45 & didn't leave until 2:30.  It was chaos!  We waited long periods of time & the actual checking & x-ray took a very short time.  The doctor didn't find anything wrong with my foot, so decided to take a blood sample (what's the logic in that, I ask?!?!).

Then we waited to pay the bill & for the medicine.  Japanese hospitals & the system are very frustrating and time consuming.

We came back here & ate pizza, Mitsuko left, I cleaned & called Kyl to see about the details of his visit the next day, then went to Mizoguchi to teach.  Chiyomi & Mayumi gave me a photo album.  Ayumu said there was no proof of Jesus existence.  I took it wrong & said "yes, in Japan Christmas is very secular" & left it at that.

I went home & went to bed.

Wednesday, I met Mitsuko at 12 in Osaka.  We got in line to see "Back to the Future II".  It was ridiculous!  There were thousands of people in line waiting to see the show.  The whole time I was in that hot, crowded hallway with all of those people I kept wondering "why am I here" (especially since I'd already seen it!).

We watched the movie (Kimberly joined us right before the show), then I went to Kinokunia while Mitsuko & Kimberly shopped elsewhere.

After a coffee shop stop, we went to Port Island to Becky A's house for lasagna.  It was really fun.  Charles & Mary were there too, and told us all about past churches & places they were in.  It was really interesting (especially Jack Black, Norma, their son, & Mr. P.  the drug dealer in Texas).

I left at 9:45 & got back to Himeji.  At about 12, I caught the bantansen & got home late.  Kyle & his friend had already gone to sleep, so I was locked out.  After ringing the door bell & knocking for awhile Kyl let me in.  We chatted briefly then he went to bed.  I took a shower & opened a gift that Mika had dropped off.  It was a sweater she knit. 

Then I went to bed.

Today, I've been trying to clean, buy groceries, record things for Kimberly, etc.  I feel rushed & stressed, so I'm going to close soon to get stuff done.

But first, it's time for a little reflection and the dreaded New Years/New Decade resolutions.

The 80's have been both really good & really bad:

I started & finished high school.
I started & finished college.
I came to Japan as a short term missionary & left.
I came back to Japan.
I did all of my major theater stuff.
I went through all of my major relationships.
I went to Europe.
Dad had his heart attack.
Grandma S. died.
Lisa M. died.
I went to vocal all-state.
I wrote the words to 4 gospel songs & the music to two.
Many of my friends tied the knot...Peggy, Di, Frank, Kim W., Shellie, Doug & Darvin, lots of classmates, Lori S., Andrea, etc.
It's been a turbulent, exciting, depressing, fantastic, eventful, maturing, decade.

And now, the dreaded New Year's Resolutions:

Approaching a new decade gives new hopes of bettering myself.  It's a fresh, new decade & I'm going to strive to be a fresh, new Jeff S.


1. To be a more positive person.
2.  To think before I speak.
3. To be happy with who I am & who I can be.
4. To be nicer to Kimberly- i.e. not to vent my frustrations and anger on friends just because they'll take it.
5. To continue and actively seek to grow as a Christian- through bible study, Christian fellowship, church, and prayer.
6. To be more assertive in dealing with the world- i.e. making phone calls, job interviews, asking directions, seeking help from public agencies, and all the other every day life experiences that I get nervous & stressed about dealing with.
7. To actively seek, as opposed to hope it'll happen on it's own, a professional career in gospel music.
8. To be a calmer, more rational, less emotion affected person.
9. To be more helpful, concerned, and friendly to people.
10.  To procrastinate less, and to call people when I say I will.
11.  To not worry so much by giving it to God in prayer.

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