Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sunday, February 25th, 1990

Note:  This is a series of journal entries from my two years living in Himeji, Japan (1988-1990).  I'm archiving them electronically through my blog.  Last names have been deleted and replaced with first initial only.  For details on this series of blog entries, see this post.

Tuesday, Feb. 13th nothing memorable happened.  I taught at Mizoguchi.  During Chiyomi and Mayumi's class, I went to their house to see Sayaka's doll display (girl's festival March 3rd).  We took pictures & talked.  I gave them one of  my demo tapes.

Wednesday, I went to the grocery store and bought groceries for dinner.  I made chili.  Hiroko and Akira came over.

Thursday I went to Suma.  I met Becky at the station and I went to see Marist.  Brother George wasn't there, but I met Brothers Moriarty and Doughty.  I also met a few teachers.  Since then I found out that the position has been filled.  It kind of upset me, because they didn't even interview me.  I'm sure it's because of my lack of teaching experience, which makes me furious!  There are so many "experienced" teachers who are just plain bad teachers.  We, motivated, "inexperienced" teachers don't even get a chance to prove ourselves.  So they'll have an experienced teacher, who'll be totally "green" with regards to Japan & it's ways...good luck Marist!

I've been praying that I not get the job if God has something better for me somewhere else, so I guess I can't be too upset.  Who knows what the future holds?!

To finish up the "Marist Saga"...Brother George called & asked if I would like him to give my name & number to a Japanese high school in Rokko that needs an English conversation teacher.  I promptly called back & said "NO!".

Kimberly went last week to Marist & her position was also already filled, so it looks as if we're both going home.

However...Brother George also gave my resume to Kyoto International Schools, and the head mistress called me that same day, needing a sub for April & May.  I told her I couldn't, but, she also mentioned 4 openings next fall & is sending me info. on the school.  So now I need to pray & think about this.  Life is getting so complicated!

Last Friday I went bowling with 3 students and Daniel & Sheila.  Friday night I taught my class.

Saturday I met Mitsuko & we went to Mike & Resa's.  We had a wonderful dinner (Resa made chicken pot pie!), and watched a movie.

Sunday I went to Kyoto and met Janet.  We went to Fushimi Inari- a mountain temple with 1,000 torii.  It was really beautiful, & the weather was incredible!  We also went to the Handicraft Center.

I was late getting back for choir practice.  Bible study was on angels- interesting.  After church was singles, but Mitsuko & I skipped.

Monday we got up & I helped Mitsuko study TOEFL.  We met Kimberly in Osaka for lunch, then went to the youth hostel office to buy bags and vouchers.  I came back to Himeji and went to Daniel & Sheila's for dinner.  We invited Paul L. to come too.  Interesting...he's very nice, but not what Hinomoto is expecting.  He's not as bilingual as they are expecting. I guess M's been doing some lying to get him here...anyway, it's not my concern any more.  I wash my hands of all Hinomoto concerns...feels GOOD!!!

Tuesday I taught at Mizoguchi.

Wednesday there was a faculty mtng.  3 1/2 hours...only 2 more...

Thursday I met Mitsuko at 9.  We went to the yochien where I taught with Yukari last September.  We did a class on colors & animals.  It was a little difficult, but fun.  They showed me how to spin a Japanese top.  They also drew me pictures & made things for me.

After coffee with the gakucho sensei we went to Himeji for lunch, then ran errands- changing change to larger bills, changing my address, etc. then came back here.  I gave Mitsuko her birthday presents, then gave her the veggies for Saturdays cooking class & sent her on her way.  The rest of the day I cleaned, laundered, etc.

Friday I went to the grocery store to buy the rest of the stuff for the cooking class.  When I got home Mike called, and I went to help set up the store.  It was really fun!  When I got there the place was a mess...boxes, etc. all over the place.  The stuff had just gotten there the day before so, we got busy & hung wall stuff.

I had to leave at 5 to go home & get ready for class.  I ate, got changed & waited for Masao to pick me up...and waited, and waited.  Finally, at 7:40, when I decided to come in & maybe leave soon to go back to the store, Masao called.  He'd forgotten to get me.  So, he brought Toshihiro & Norihiko, and we went to Masao's house for the remaining class time.  We looked at pictures.  After class I had him drop me off at the store & I stayed there and helped until midnight.

Mike brought me home & I showered & went to bed.

Saturday my alarm went off at 7, but I went back to sleep.  Becky called at 7:08 to tell me she wasn't coming to the cooking class.  Lucky she did, or I would have slept through it.

So, I got up, got ready & went to Okamoto.  There were 12 people at the class.  I made Tater Tot Casserole, Chicken Veggie Stew w/Dill & Parsley Dumplings, salad, rolls & jello.  It was a lot of fun!

After class Lynn, Kimberly, Mitsuko & I came back to Himeji for the opening of the store.

The only bad part of the whole day, was when I opened my strangely garlic-y smelling backpack on the train & discovered that the bottle had come open...spent an hour washing the thing when I got home & it still smells like an Italian kitchen.  Anyway, we got to Himeji, and we took a taxi to the store.  They had sold a lot of stuff when we got there at 3.  It was great!  We stayed for awhile.  The owner gave me a sheep figurine for helping the day before.  We also got table cloths.

After the opening, we went to Kimberly's & my coffee shop.  They they went to Topos & I went to the film store.

I came home & cleaned, laundered, & relaxed!

Today I've cleaned, practiced for my concert on the 18th, mailed off a few letters, done laundry, and, basically, have spent a very quiet, uneventful day.

Tonight is choir, b. study, and church.  Afterwards, I'm coming home and taking my big gomi to the pickup area & getting rid of some old papers & magazines.

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